How to configure API Proxy deployment in Apigee X.
API Proxy deployment prerequisites
1 Valid network configuration
2 valid routing configuration
Are your API requests not reaching the API Proxies in Apigee X? Are you observing 503 errors for your API Proxies due to incorrect routing configuration?
Check out the process to learn about the routing data model, how it is applied in Apigee X instances, how to verify the routing configuration and ensure the API requests are routed to the correct API Proxies in an Apigee X organization.
What is the routing data model?
An organization is the top-level container in Apigee. It contains all your API proxies and related resources. While the rest of this topic goes into more depth about organizations, here are a few practical points:
- Once created, you cannot rename an organization.
- Your organization name is in the URL of the Apigee UI. For example:”); — devsite-code-button-size:32px;”>
- When you make calls with the Apigee API, the organization is a required part of the path in most calls. For example, the following
request returns a list of all API proxies in an organization using the organizations API:"); --devsite-code-button-size:32px;"> - curl
- While you may have created only one organization, you can belong to other organizations as a user or administrator with specific permissions. You can switch to a different organization as described in Switching between your organizations.
- An Apigee organization is not the same as a Google Cloud organization. Where the possibility of ambiguity exists, this document specifies that the “organization” is an Apigee organization.
Create an Apigee organization
Follow the steps to create Apigee org
Single-region solution architecture
Multi-region solution architecture
How to verify environment attachments of instances?
How to verify hostname configuration in the environment group?
How to verify API proxy configuration?
How to verify the API request is correctly routed to the API proxy?
Apigee X networking architecture and the process of verifying networking configuration in an Apigee X organization
The API proxy deployment process in Apigee X has two main prerequisites; networking configuration and routing configuration. If these configurations are invalid, the API proxy endpoints may not be accessible. here you will learn Apigee X networking architecture and the process of verifying networking configuration in an Apigee X organization.