How to create AlloyDB — Database with Google Cloud CLI and Google Cloud Console.
- How to create a cluster and instance.
- How to create tables and insert data in your database
- How to use the Google Cloud CLI with AlloyDB.
Architecture AlloyDB — Database
Step 1 Create a cluster and instance
- First create an AlloyDB cluster. On the Cloud Console Navigation menu ( under Databases click AlloyDB for PostgreSQL then Clusters.
- Then click Create cluster at the top of the page.
- Choose Highly Available from the list of options for the cluster type to start with step of the wizard.
- Click Continue under the list of cluster options.
- In the Configure your cluster section, fill in the following fields. Leave the others at their default value.
Cluster ID- — — — — — — — Name Cluster
Password _-___________Put Password
Select Network — — — — — — peering-network
Click Continue to proceed.
7. Under Configure your primary instance, set the instance ID as lab-instance.
8. Select 2 vCPU, 16 GB as your machine type.
9. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Create Cluster.
Clusters are groups of instances of virtual machines that can include a primary instance and multiple read pool instances. All cluster resources share a storage layer, which scales as needed.
Cluster IDdemocluster
VersionPostgreSQL 14 compatible
TypeHighly available
us-central1 (Iowa)
Low CO2
Total storage used automatically scales
Network projects/186756110282/global/networks/peering-network
Step.2 Create tables and insert data in your database
- A VM named, alloydb-client, containing the PostgreSQL client was provisioned for you at the start of the lab.
- On the Navigation menu under Compute Engine click VM instances.
- For the instance named alloydb-client, in the Connect column, click SSH to open a terminal window.
- Set the following environment variable, replacing ALLOYDB_ADDRESS with the Private IP address of the AlloyDB instance.
- Run the following command to store the Private IP address of the AlloyDB instance on the AlloyDB client VM so that it will persist throughout the lab.
echo $ALLOYDB > alloydbip.txt
- Use the following command to launch the PostgreSQL (psql) client. You will be prompted to provide the postgres user’s password (Change3Me) which you entered when you created the cluster.
psql -h $ALLOYDB -U postgres
- Input and run the following SQL command to create a new table named regions.
CREATE TABLE regions (
region_id bigint NOT NULL,
region_name varchar(25)
) ;
ALTER TABLE regions ADD PRIMARY KEY (region_id);
- Next add several rows of data to the regions table. Input and run the following SQL command.
INSERT INTO regions VALUES ( 1, 'Europe' );
INSERT INTO regions VALUES ( 2, 'Americas' );
INSERT INTO regions VALUES ( 3, 'Asia' );
INSERT INTO regions VALUES ( 4, 'Middle East and Africa' );
- Run the following simple query to verify that you inserted the records.
SELECT region_id, region_name from regions;
- Type \q to exit the psql client.
- Another option to create tables and/or load data is by using a SQL file (.sql). A SQL file can contain DDL, DML or any supported SQL syntax. You will download and run a file containing DDL and DML, run that file, and then verify the load.
- Run the following command to download a file containing DDL and DML for three tables: countries, departments, and jobs.
gsutil cp gs://cloud-training/OCBL403/hrm_load.sql hrm_load.sql
- Reconnect to the PostgreSQL (psql) client. You will be prompted to provide the postgres user’s password (Change3Me).
psql -h $ALLOYDB -U postgres
Run the following command to process the sql file.
\i hrm_load.sql
- Run the following command to see the tables that are loaded into your database.
- Run a spot check query to examine the data in one of the tables you just created and loaded.
select job_title, max_salary
from jobs
order by max_salary desc;
Step 3. Use the Google Cloud CLI with AlloyDB
- Creating an AlloyDB cluster instance via gcloud is very simple.
- In the Cloud Shell, create a new AlloyDB cluster using the command below.
gcloud beta alloydb clusters create gcloud-lab-cluster \
--password=Change3Me \
--network=peering-network \
--region=us-central1 \
- Once the cluster is created, run the following command to create the Primary instance.
gcloud beta alloydb instances create gcloud-lab-instance\
--instance-type=PRIMARY \
--cpu-count=2 \
--region=us-central1 \
--cluster=gcloud-lab-cluster \
- After the process completes, you can run the following command to list the AlloyDB clusters instances available in your project. The earlier instance you created, lab-cluster, and the one you just created, gcloud-lab-cluster, are returned in the listing.
gcloud beta alloydb clusters list
Deleting a cluster
gcloud beta alloydb clusters delete gcloud-lab-cluster \
--force \
--region=us-central1 \
- To confirm that gcloud-lab-cluster was deleted run the following command:
gcloud beta alloydb clusters list